

Some sketches in preparation for my next project!


  1. Oops.... THIS is what I meant! Sorry.

  2. Hmm first comment eaten eh?

    Good thing I saved it (might make more sense now).....................

    peacay said...

    I just wanted to say that I like some of your work from your homepage. This came to mind: http://bibliodyssey.blogspot.com/2010/12/sabater-pi.html in some ways.

    I'm a non-professional so please don't take what I do on the web - on BibliOdyssey - as having any real weight or bearing in the great picture at all, but the image that really struck a chord with me and suggests some much larger project with commercial potential is Marabou Stork. I dig the stylising and mashup feel of it. It looks like a prototype illustration for a more complete work later on, which could form part of something b.i.g.

    As I say, you really really shouldn't take my opinion as having more weight than then thenext guy. And I mean that sincerely. You're free to take it as encouragement but it's just a random person's opinion. I don't often give direct feedback to people for that reason and also part of the reason why I play down my real name: so people don't mistake ME for any sort of expert. I research and prepare images is all.

    Good luck with the residency program!

  3. Thank you so much for the feedback!! I appreciate any encouraging (or constructively critical!) words I can get. Also, it's funny you referenced Sabater Pi's work - I read your blog regularly (LOVE it, a great source of inspiration), and I especially enjoyed your post with Pi's animal illustrations. His style is exactly what tends to attract my eye.

    Again, thank you for your comment - it's great food for thought - and keep up the fantastic work you do on Bibliodyssey!
